
Thursday, 10 August 2017

The Spacecraft

W.A.L.T. list information from the text
What materials did they use?                          What is a weasel:         
>string                                                               A weasel is mammal of the genus                                                   
>Umbrella                                                       Mustela of the family Mustelidae.The
>old sky rocket                                               genus Mustela includes the least weasels,       
>wood                                                            polecats,stoats,ferrets and minks.Members
>sellotape                                                     of the genus are small ,active predators,with  
>clothesline                                                  long and slender bodies and short legs.

Image result for type of weasels

Thursday, 3 August 2017

The Journey

The Journey
The birds are going from  Alaska to NEW ZEALAND. There was a boy named Wilfred and a sister named Doreen. They were eating crabs so they can strengthen  up and they flew of to NEW ZEALAND. There was a thunderstorm and Doreen got shot from the storm and fell down to the sea and then they made it to New Zealand. Wilfred ate some more crabs.The birds are called godwits.
Image result for alaska birds